Donations are always welcome and can be made for a specific activity if you wish:
Big Water Society
P.O. Box 432
Atlin, BC V0W 1A0
Phone/Fax/Messages: 250 651-2460
or you may use your credit card and donate with PayPal:
Society No. S-35009
Registered Charity No. 87794 5923 RR0001
Charitable receipts available upon request.
Anyone wishing to donate to the Big Water Society or the Teen Centre, please click this link to donate or contact usRecent donations:
We are very grateful for the Community Grant from BC Gaming Commission. This funding is used support and operate the Teen Centre Program.
Thanks very much to the Atlin Arts & Music Festival for their past support, and the many individuals who give their time or contribute their cash to our projects and services.
Thank you very much for your generosity!